Adolf (19.12.1878 - 15.01.1954).
Farmer in Argentinien, erlernte nach
Besuch des Katharineumss zu Lübeck 1894 die Landwirtschaft
auf Hohenhorst und gin 1895 zusammen mit seinem Bruder
Otto nach Argentinien. Verh. 26.04.1902 mit Ana
Francisca Villa geb. 24.06.1877.
Kinder aus dieser Ehe:
Ovidia (geb. 1903),
verh. 1924 mit Jesus Quintana. 4 Kinder.
- Juana (geb. 1904), verh. 1924 mit
Angel Redondo. 3 Kinder
- Olga - Zwilling zu 2. geboren und
gestorben 1904.
- Arturo Leopoldo (geb. 1905, gest.
1930 ?), verh mit Nelida Alejo.
- Elsa (Bild links)(geb. 1907), verh.
1926 mit Enrique Calve. 2 Kinder.
- Osvaldo Adolfo (Bild links)(geb.
1908, gest. 1952) 1 Sohn: Cesar Osvaldo (geb. 23.11.1944)
- Delia (Bild links)(geb. 1910)
- Raoul, geboren und gestorben 1911.
- Arnoldo, geboren und gestorben
- Eduardo Noel (geb. 1914)
- Armando Ernesto (Bild links)(geb.
- Elida (Bild links)(geb. 1919)
- Oscar Enrique (geb. 1920)
Über Gustav Adolf erhielt ich diese
zusätzlichen Informationen von seiner Urgroßenkelin
Paola Lanata Schwerdtfeger, die jetzt
in Spanien lebt.
Hier ein Auszug aus ihrer E-Mail vom
Let me to tell you that Gustav Adolf
was married with Anna Villar: Their sons and daughters
(the order of birth is not exact)
Gustav A.'s grandsons/daughters
Juana---------had 1 son and 2 daughters:Toto,Emilce
and I don't know the third name
Delia-----------had 1 son: Roberto
Tita------------had 1 son, Oscar
and 1 daughter: Alicia
Arturo (who died very young, at 25
years old)
Osvaldo-------had 1 son: Cesar
2 sons: Gustavo and Jorge
1 daughter Sara Delia (my mother) and 1 son Eduardo
Adolfo (my uncle)
Tito------had children,
I don't know their names.
Gustav Adolf's daughters Elsa (99 years old) and Tita
(86 years old) are the only alives.
During almost all his life, he worked at fields, vast
areas of earth
called "estancias" in Argentina. Then, in
the old age, he lived alone in a little farm very
near of my grandfather's house in Huanguelén
He died in Remedios de Escalada, Buenos Aires, close
to his daughters in 1954 or 55 approximatelly.
I'd love very much to send to you many pictures that
my mother keeps about Gustav Adolf, her grandfather,
about Eduardo Noel, her dad, about all her family
and about the others Gustav Adolf's descendants (uncles,
aunts, cousins).
I'd love also if you would to tell me what you know
about others
Schwerdtfeger's descendants in Germany and a little
more about yourself and your family.
Actually I live in Spain with my husband and my 3
kids, but I was born in Argentina where we have planned
to return in one year and half's time approximatelly.
Also since a few months ago my mother Sara Delia is
visiting us; she came from Argentina. When I showed
her in the computer the web site with her ancestors's
history she couldn't believed it.
Both of us recognized immediatelly the Schwerdtfeger's
crest because she keeps a picture of it. She promised
me she will take over, when she come back to Argentina,
to collect a lot of photographs of all Schwerdtfegers,
so the Schwerdtfegers in Germany meet us. We felt
very emotioned to see the web site.